Manufacturer & Dealer of Electrical & Electronics Equipment. Contact : +91 96772 52848

Polytechnic College – ECE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers – Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – IE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – ECE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – EEE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – IE Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electronics and Communication Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Industrial Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electronics and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Polytechnic College – Electrical and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electronics and Communication Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Industrial Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electronics and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Engineering College – Electrical and Instrumentation Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

ITI – Electrical Trade – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

ITI – Electronics Trade – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Science College - Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Arts and Science College - Electronics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Science College - Physics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

Arts and Science College - Physics Department – Electrical Machines Lab - Equipment - Instrument - AC Motor Control Panel – Contact - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – Price - Rs.35,300-00

8085 Microprocessor Manufacturers / Suppliers Contact Number 9677252848 / 9444001354

8085 Microprocessor Manufacturers / Suppliers Contact Number 9677252848 / 9444001354

Intel 8085A CPU @ 6.144 MHz Clock speed.
RAM : 8KB expandable up to 32KB, Jumper selectable.
EPROM : 8KB expandable up to 32KB, Jumper selectable.
Lithium Battery Back up for RAM
PC Keyboard
16x2 LCD
3 Channel 16 Bit counter / timer terminated in a 10 pin connector using 8253
I/O lines, terminated at 1 No of 26-Pin FRC connector by using 1 No of 8255
8 Nos. of Digital inputs terminated and given through on board 8 way Dip switch
8 Nos. of Digital outputs are terminated and displayed in the 8 Nos. of SMD type LEDs
RS 232C compatible Serial port terminated in a 9-pin 'D' male connector
One 50-Pin FRC Connector for interfacing experiment boards for bus expansion.
Interrupts are terminated in a 5-Pin connector
8085 Microprocessor manufacturers
8085 Microprocessor suppliers
8085 Microprocessor Price
8085 Microprocessor Company
8085 Microprocessor dealers
8085 Microprocessor trainer kit
List of Microprocessor Companies
You can order our equipment online through two websites:

8085 Microprocessor  LCD Trainer                                                      

Polytechnic College – ECE Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers – Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs.4,900-00


Polytechnic College – EEE Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs.4,900-00


Engineering College – ECE Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs.4,900-00


Engineering College – EEE Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs.4,900-00


Polytechnic College – Electronics and Communication Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs. 4,900-00


Polytechnic College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs. 4,900-00


Engineering College – Electronics and Communication Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs. 4,900-00


Engineering College – Electrical and Electronics Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs. 4,900-00


ITI – Electrical Trade – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs. 4,900-00


ITI – Electronics Trade – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs. 4,900-00


Science College - Electronics Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs. 4,900-00


Science College - Physics Department – Microprocessor Lab Equipment - 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit - 9444001354 – 9677252848 - Manufacturers - Supplier - Chennai – Tamil Nadu – India – JAYAM Electronics – Price Rs. 4,900-00